The Do's And Don'ts Of Camping

Camping is a fun activity. Moreover, it is an important activity for mental health. And if you have kids, then you must grant at least two or more memorable camping trips to their childhood memory. However, it can also become a nightmare if you don’t know what to do while camping and what not to do, and this article will focus on that. 

The Do’s Of Camping 

Knowing what to do while camping and what not to do can be the difference between a good and bad camping experience.  Now, the do's and don'ts of camping can be a pretty long list. An entire book can be written on this subject. Plus, the instructions can change depending on the type of terrain you are visiting or the type of adventure you are embarking on. The type of camping team also matters. 

However, the following do's of camping are stated keeping the common man in mind. These are the things you must do when going on a fun camping trip with your family. 

Reserve Your Site Early

Reserve the site at least one week before the trip. It will be sad if you hype the kids with the promise of a trip and have to cancel it at the last minute because you failed to get a reservation. So, when you are planning a trip the first thing to do is to reserve your spot. 

Clear Safety Concerns

This includes knowing about both the wild animals and the crime situation in that area. 

For instance, you might want to know if there were any recent bear attacks in that area. In the same vein, collect information about any incidence of mugging or looting campers. 

camping check weather

Check the Weather

If you are going to camp in your locality, then you might skip this. However, you should still check the forecast. 

On the other hand, if you are going much further from home, check the weather conditions in that area. Nothing will be worse than getting drenched in the rain or being blown away by a storm on a holiday. 

Also, if it’s hot outside, then preplanning on how to keep cool in a tent while camping would be the smart thing to do. It’s because camping in the heat often results in dehydration and heatstroke.  

Pack Warm and Protective Clothes

Even in the summer, nights can get pretty cold in some areas. Especially if there's a dessert nearby. 

So, it is safe to pack at least one warm clothing. You should also pack some water-resistant clothing such as a raincoat. And if you plan on fishing or hunting, bring a wade jacket and boots. Also, learning how to insulate a tent to protect yourself during cold seasons is an essential skill to have. 

Bring a First Aid Kit

This is a must. Because there are a lot of possible situations where you might need a first aid kit

Such as cutting or piercing skin while setting the camp. Or, by thorns. And in the worst-case scenario, an animal bites. In any kind of these situations, proper first aid shall prevent the incidence of sepsis.

Pack the Essential Medicines

You can pack these along with the first aid. What you should bring is antiseptic solutions such as povidone-iodine, oral antibiotics, painkillers, and gastric and antiemetic medicine. 

Hammer, Shovel, and Ropes

These tools can find more use than just setting up your camp. For example, you will need a shovel to dig your toilet too. 

The ropes might come in handy when you are hanging clothes. And not to mention, a hammer or a shovel can also come in handy as a weapon. These are just the most essential tools. Based on where you are camping and what you plan to do there, you might need to bring lots more gear. So, list down what you need before heading out. 

Also, make sure to learn how to organize camping gear as cluttered gear can make finding the right tools more difficult and can also be a health hazard. 

Flashlight of camping


Taking lanterns, lamps and flashlights is important. However, if you are not able to pack all of them then at least pack a powerful flashlight and extra batteries. 

Remember, the darkness of the forest is deeper than what you experience in an urban setting. And it is also one of the greatest dangers. Here, the flashlight will be your weapon.

Take Toilet Supplies

This includes a portable toilet, toilet tissues, and soap. Without a doubt these are the second most important supplies to bring after your food and water supplies. Bringing a shovel could be particularly useful in this case. 

Fire Supplies

Taking matches is enough. Make sure you are taking more than one box. However, you might also want to pack a small fire extinguisher. Because fire incidents are common at campsites. Mainly because of people's inexperience in handling fire. And sometimes stormy winds can play a role too. 

If you follow the above do's, you will surely have a nice trip. However, you should also maintain a list of don'ts at the campsite. This will save you from running into unwanted troubles and disasters. 

The Don’ts of Camping 

The Don'ts of camping are as essential as the do’s. For instance, the do's are there to make your dream camping trip flawless and perfect. Whereas, the don'ts ensure that your camping trip does not become an unfortunate incident. So, let's have a look. 

Do Not Camp in Unregulated Areas

Unless you are a trained outdoor person and are with a similar team, it is not a good idea to go camping in deep forests or remote areas. 

So, it is best to camp on common camping grounds. Make sure that there are other nearby campers. 

People sit next to fire

Do Not Leave the Fire Unattended

A live fire is a dangerous thing. Forest catching on fire due to careless campers is very much a common thing. This not only destroys lush green forests but also harms countless living animals that depend on them. 

So, never leave a fire unattended. You will also want to make sure you have cleared out the area around the fire of debris before lighting a fire. Click here to learn more about fire safety measures when camping. 

Learning to make a tent you can have a fire in is also a great way to keep wildlife safe from fire hazards while also coming in handy when camping in the snow or rain.

Do Not Make Too Much Noise

A little song and laughter does not hurt anyone. But don't go berserk. Getting too drunk or acting too wild will disturb the natural silence of the forest. 

Plus, other campers can come over and complain and you can get into an unpleasant situation. 

Don't Lose the Leash On Your Kids

You might think that this is a holiday, so let the kids enjoy it a little bit. Well, that’s fine. But you must keep a leash on them. 

For example, do not let them run out of your sight. Or, wander over to other campsites. This is for the safety of your kids and also the convenience of other campers. 

Learn more about camping with kids essentials.

Do Not Set the Camp in Dark

Make sure your campsite is adequately lit. You can do this using electric lights. And if you don't want that, then set your camp at such an angle that the fire can light it up. Because darkness can attract both wild animals and criminals.  

Do Not Dirty the Campsite

Try to make as little garbage as possible. And whatever you make, clear it up immediately. This is a matter of common decency. 

Because just imagine how you will feel if you find a campsite dirty upon arrival. Plus, some camping sites might also take action against you if you mess up their place. 

Do Not Leave Your Pet at Home

House pets often consider you their family and leaving them unattended for a few days can have a disastrous effect on their mind and health. 

So, it is a good idea to bring them. Plus, all animals are inherently experts about the wild over humans. And that might come in handy.  

Do Not Disrespect the Campsite Rules 

The campsite might have its own rules and regulations. And they are usually stated for the good of the campers. 

So, no matter how you feel about the rules, you must abide by them. Moreover, there are sometimes certain state laws on hunting or cutting trees. Needless to say, breaking those can land you in legal trouble. 

Check out campsite USA for more campsite rules:

Channel Islands Campground

Big Pine Creek Campground

Chickenfoot Lake Campground

Little Harbor Campground


Knowing what to do while camping will ensure that you and your family have a safe and memorable experience while camping. So, it is in your best interest to follow the do’s and don’ts listed in this article. I hope I was able to help you learn to be a safer and more responsible camper. 

Best of luck on your next camping trip and thanks for stopping by.